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Reading of the Day

May 4

“Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the sex addict who still suffers.”

Sex Addicts Anonymous, page 84

As I travel through my own recovery, it is easy to forget our primary purpose. There are days when my middle-circle behaviors beckon me like a siren’s song to slip into the inner-circle abyss—enticing me to act out. There are also days when I get wrapped up in my duties as secretary of my home group. Other days find me involved in intergroup activities and projects.

I get so self-absorbed in my own recovery or daily activities that I miss the primary purpose—to carry the message to the sex addict who still suffers. I would never want another addict to endure the devastation that tied up my life for years.

I have heard it said in meetings that the newcomer is the most important person in the room. Periodically I need to stop and ask myself if I am making the SAA message of recovery understandable and accessible to newcomers. I also need to provide a welcoming atmosphere that makes members want to stay, share, return each week, work the steps with a sponsor, and commit to their own recovery.

What can I do today to reach out to other sex addicts who seek help?

Last updated: December 10th, 2021